Consulting examples

We worked with a pan-European team of senior executives on a sales driven profit improvement plan, involving market sizing, competitor research, value chain profit analysis by customer and product leading to sales channel optimisation, call pattern management and new business targeting. Sales and profit responded rapidly, growing the company's value substantially.

We developed a product pricing model for luxury products sold in Europe and North America, involving a detailed assessment of global parallel trade. Sales increases resulting meant that manufacturing plants were fully utilised and profits moved higher.

We analysed a client's performance in hospital cleaning, involved a group of managers in assessing and interpreting the findings before helping them develop action plans for both profit improvement and more effective contract bidding procedures. The division began its turnaround as a result and we were asked to help a sister company...

Using Value Chain Analysis techniques we determined the true net profitability at contract level for different business streams in an office cleaning business, leading to a dramatic shift in segment focus.

After a pan-European study of product and channel profitability for a business in the animal feed sector we helped develop a strategy for sustained earnings growth, plant by plant, sales team by sales team. Internal staff we had coached went on to apply our methodology to other group operations with similarly successful results.

Applying our 'Staff Task Analysis and Review' technique we helped a publishing company significantly improve its staff's productivity over a multi-year period. Seven years later we were asked back to repeat the process for a business which had changed greatly, once more releasing internal resources for new business growth.